Consumer Data Protection Act 1998

The Data Protection Act 1998 governs the way in which we handle, manage and store data about our customers. We are fully committed to compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

We needs to collect, utilise and have access to third party data for a number of purposes as part of its function in being an approved Green Deal Provider and an approved Green Deal Assessor.

We are fully committed to protecting an individual’s right to privacy with regard to the processing of personal data and this policy has been adopted to support this.


This policy applies to all personal information of individuals obtained, held, stored, processed, used or shared by Infinity Energy Organisation Ltd. – the company which owns and operates this website.


As an approved Green Deal Provider Infinity Energy Organisation Ltd. may share data with other agencies such as the Landmark Database and other approved participants within the Green Deal scheme. In the process, we take responsibility to protect your personal information.

The customer will be made aware when personal details are collected that they may possibly be shared, this is known as informed consent. Details of to whom and how their information will be shared with will be made clear within relevant documentation.

Sub-contractors, agents and vendors

Subcontractors, agents and vendors may need to access your personal information to provide you with their services.

Sub-contractors, agents and vendors will be restricted from areas within the Infinity Energy Organisation’s offices where personal details are processed.

Data Storage and Access

Information and records relating to our customers will be stored securely and will only be accessible to authorised staff using passwords and encryption.

Passwords will be changed often to make sure security is ensured.

Information will be stored for only as long as it is needed or required by statute and will be disposed of appropriately.

Members of staff will have access to personal data only where it is required as part of their functional remit.

We take the security of customer personal data very seriously. We will investigate any breaches of security if they occur by producing audit trails that log access to personal data that can be attributed to a particular person.

A backup filing system will be utilised to protect personal data.